Shane Bradley
Shane Bradley
Silvercreek Realty Group

1099 S Wells #200
Meridian, ID 83642
PH: 208-477-4122

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The Treasure Valley is filled with examples of some of the finest, and most affordable, dream homes in the nation! When you're looking for a partner to help you negotiate the complexities of buying a new home or selling your home, you've come to the right place.

My desire is to build a relationship that does not end with the close of escrow. I feel that we become a partnership and when that happens there is nothing we can’t achieve together…..


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Waiting Until Spring?

Many people have been thinking about relocating over the long Winter, whether it’s buying a new home in Idaho or selling their current home, it seems like Spring is the time when things really “start to happen”…buy why wait? Why not get the jump on things NOW? Well, there’s a lot going on during Spring! You’re barely caught up from the new year, taxes, and then Spring Break! Next thing you know it’s mid-July and you’re wondering if you’re ever going to move. If you’re on the fence about things we’ve put together some good reasons why you might not